Photography In A Pinch

by: Barney Newton

A good photographer is ready to try it for almost all possible. Unfortunately, if you have everything you need to meet all possibilities in the area will want to take, should take one as a Bedouin trader.Many times that simply is not possible and other times it is not desirable. So experienced photographers learn to be reasonable. Here are a few different tips to save your back, especially to go on short trips close to home.


A monopod
In all but extreme lighting conditions, monopod can be a very good substitute for a tripod and a lot easier to transport. With a little practice you will be almost as stable as a tripod monopod to be detained for a short time anyway.Another trick to stabilize the monopod is to wrap the rope around the upper arm and press the monopod by exerting gentle pressure on the back strap. Likewise, you can mount a large brace on your monopod and use it as a shoulder rest, almost like a weapon. This may seem a little strange, but works very well.

Working in the sand
For those times you need a tripod to take a beach or sandy area, three tennis balls attack on the way to the door. Cut a hole large enough for your feet and fit with tennis balls at each end.
Tennis ball does not sink into the sand, most of the grain to keep out of the toe and you can throw it away when you're done.
Another great thing about working on the beach you do not have to carry sacks of sand, just a carry bag. Usually there were plenty of sand on the beach. This is a priceless value for the reflector weight, which tends to act like a sail in the sea breeze.

Bring coolers
But let the ice pack at home. A cold has several advantages over a single device in many situations. They are solid, many have a handle and wheels, and you can sit or stand on it in an emergency. If you lose or break, you only about $ 40.
You can still bring drinks with camera equipment, but be careful. Get a drink cozies set in the freezer. This is your drink cold without lowering the temperature too much into the radiator. The last thing you want is to get a cold or the camera lens in a warm, moist atmosphere. Expect direct condensation when you do.


Carrying a bag of rubber bands
They just are very useful for so many things, and so easy to carry. You can use it for emergency repairs and paper to keep the flies away.
A thick rubber band to release the trapped useful filter. Wrap the rubber around the edges of the filter and this should provide sufficient grip to lose.
And if you're not waiting outside the courthouse waiting for a photo opportunity, they also constantly mocking cheer for your fellow photographers.

The incident light meter
Many photographers still have a light meter, even in the days of high-end digital SLR. If you're packing light, you can use plastic cups at the end of the lens and use your camera light meter, hold it with one of your rubber bands.
Remember to come, that there is no cup in a variety of thicknesses, so you might want to leave the calibration with the Sunny 16 rule before you.

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Article written by Rita

I am a housewife, and I also worked at one private company. My hobby of photography


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