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» Tips - Digital camera care
Digital cameras that we have, let me remain good and convenient to useshould we care on a regular basis. Here I will be sharing how to care for a digital camera that I got from the results of asking the experts. As for how tocare from a digital camera is not difficult, there are some things we ought to do and see.
- Caring for the camera body.
Clean the outside of the camera body with a soft cloth, use a blower to get rid of the dust in the corners. Cleaning the inside starts to use the blower, and blower brush for stubborn dirt, to lock up the mirror to the top if you want to memblower the sensor. I do not recommend you to clean yourself ifthere is stubborn dirt on the camera sensor because the sensor is verysensitive part.
Do not touch the optical lens with a finger, always plug the filter or use alens hood protector. Attach the lens cap if not always being used to reducethe risk of dust. If you want to clean the lens, use a blower first, then the lensbrush, lens cloth new fingerprints if there is a stick.
Do not over-charge batteries, immediately unplug it if it is full. Remove thebattery from the camera when not in use, try to only use original batteries.
- Caring for a memory card.
Get used to store the memory card inside the casing to avoid dust,exposure to magnetic field objects and extend the life of the memory card.
If you have more funds can be considered to have the drybox usinghumidity control devices as a storage place cameras or how frugal like me, keep the camera in a plastic air-fed clip silica gel, store in a dry place andaway from magnetic objects.
That's a little tip that I can share with colleagues who have digital cameras, may be useful.
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Article written by Rita
I am a housewife, and I also worked at one private company. My hobby of photography
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